From 1984 to 2000 much of Boyden’s printed imagery paralleled the imagery found on the ceramics. However, in 2000 Boyden began to produce prints that explored the human condition as well as a series of mystical landscapes. Of note are the Uncle Skulky prints (a suite of 21 prints), the Lens prints (a suite of 9 prints) and The Empathies (a suite of 96 prints). What is different here is that Boyden began a serious investigation of narrative imagery and visual and psychological story telling. This was much easier to do with printmaking than on individual ceramic pieces. What is interesting is that in 2006 he turned his narrative attention back to ceramics, producing works detailing Uncle Skulky and works like the Democracy Pots.
The Portland Art Museum’s Gilkey Center houses a complete archive of Boyden’s prints.
Books about Boyden prints

The Irreverences, Provocations, and Connivances of Uncle Skulky, Portland Art Museum, 2004.

Frank Boyden Prints and Books, Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Salem, Oregon, 2006.

Frank Boyden–The Empathies, Hallie Ford Museum of Art, Salem, Oregon, 2006.
Conversations Across Time—Rembrandt, Ensor, Boyden, C.G. Boerner, New York, 2007.